Announcing DraftSight21’s Latest Release – SP1

DraftSight21 Service Pack 1 (SP1) provides even more tools to accelerate your complex workflows with Import PDF Drawings and Sheet Set Manager.

As many of you know, DraftSight supports DWG files very well, all the way back to R12, that’s almost 30 years ago! You may have the same DWG files converted into PDF already, or you may receive PDF read-only files, originated from a DWG. With DraftSight21, we can import PDF drawings and convert them to editable DWGs.

When you import a PDF drawing with layers, all the sheets will be presented on the preview dialogue and you can adjust the options to use the PDF layers.

All the PDF sheet layers will be recognized and converted to DWG format in DraftSight. Now you can explode the entire converted block into individual lines and curves and circles. You can make quick, easy changes and save back to DWG.

Now, what if you have a lot of PDF drawings? We also support the automation of batch processing. Let the software do the job for you! This is another productivity tool to support your legacy data in DraftSight.

DraftSight can recognize and reuse PDF files that were converted from DWG files originally. Some PDFs have scanned images of a drawing. For these, the raster image can be used as a background image or an underlay, but it won’t be recognized as lines and curves to be edited.

Import PDF drawings

  • Save time and effort spent in recreating drawings
  • Convert one or multiple PDFs quickly
  • Can reuse PDF layers if available
  • Import PDF drawings and turn them into editable lines and curves and save as a DWG file.
  • When you import a PDF with layers, all the PDF sheets will be converted and recognized in DWG format in DraftSight.
  • You can explode the entire converted block and make changes. We also support batch processing of multiple PDFs.

Our second enhancement, Sheet Set Manager, helps accelerate complex workflows and manage a massive number of sheets. Sheet Set Manager will be familiar for AutoCAD users. This is a powerful productivity tool, helping you clean up drawings and apply properties to prepare multiple drawings for printing.


You can collect sheets automatically from multiple drawings. In one DWG you can see the sheets. If you are managing the files in a data management system or PLM system you don’t necessarily have visibility into the individual sheets in the DWG files so the Sheet Set Manager is a great tool to collect all the sheets from multiple DWG files so that you can organize them any way you want. You can create a subset; you can apply properties from the top level. Best of all, you don’t have to open the individual sheets or files to apply the properties and print settings globally. If you have hundreds of sheets to manage, opening and applying the properties one by one will be very time-consuming, frustrating, and error-prone.

The Sheet Set Manager provides you with professional, organized sheets to print.

Sheet Set Manager

  • Setting up drawing sheets can be time-consuming and tedious. With SP1, DraftSight has a dedicated sheet set manager to prepare multiple drawings for printing.
  • Collect sheets automatically from multiple drawings
  • Apply global properties and print settings to sheets without opening drawings
  • Insert and update the table of contents automatically

Let the software do the work for you! Continue enjoying DraftSight, now with even more features! Download the latest release. Try it yourself: DraftSight-30-Day-Free-Trial

Proven DWG-file-based CAD at the best value on the market. DraftSight, brought to you by Dassault Systèmes, the 3DEXPERIENCE company, has been trusted by millions of users worldwide. DraftSight provides a familiar, intuitive 2D drafting experience with options for advanced productivity tools, 3D design capabilities, parametric constraints, and flexible licensing options including perpetual licenses and network licenses for organizations with multiple users or sites. DraftSight’s command and file compatibility and support for legacy drawings and data like Dynamic Blocks facilitate a quick transition from AutoCAD with a minimal learning curve. Visit to learn more.

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