DraftSight 2022
DraftSight 2022’s New Features: Dark Mode
In his book “The Inevitable: Understanding the 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our Future,” Kevin Kelly insightfully pointed out Screening as one of the inevitable trends in the future. He argues that our lives will be surrounded by screens … Continued
DraftSight 2022 New Features: Spline Enhancements
Splines have been available in DraftSight for a long time, but your options to create and edit them have been limited. DraftSight 2022 addresses these shortcomings by providing additional creation methods, and an all-new editing tool. These enhancements can be … Continued
The Amazing New Features in DraftSight 2022: Sheet Set Manager Enhancements
The Sheet Set Manager is an organizational tool that helps you manage a large set of drawing sheets across multiple DWG files. I am a big fan of this functionality because it prevents me from having to the tediously open … Continued