A Leadership Perspective: How DraftSight 2D CAD Offers a Superior Design Solution
Today’s competitive business markets find executives tasked with achieving more, in less time, with fewer resources, while also minimizing the impact of increased costs. Across all industries and sectors, leaders are looking for new ways to be innovative without incurring … Continued
DraftSight Offers a Solution to CAD Users Impacted by Changes
Trapped in a Rigid CAD Licensing Model? 2023 is off to a rocky start for some CAD users, as one of the larger software providers continues to make changes to its licensing model. In January, the provider removed a 5 … Continued
Our Most Popular DraftSight Blogs in 2022
If 2022 taught us one thing, it’s that organizing for the future starts now. Our clients are embracing new methods for innovating and operating in order to stay competitive and relevant. For DraftSight, 2022 has been a year of exciting … Continued
HeatTek Inc. – Supporting Growth with SOLIDWORKS and DraftSight
In today’s world of 3D parts and assemblies, SOLIDWORKS® 3D design software helps customers quickly respond to customer demands and shorter delivery lead times by increasing efficiency and throughput for 3D needs, such as large-assembly design. But 2D drawings are … Continued
The Curious Persistence of 2D CAD – Part 2
In the first part of this series, we introduced you to a bit of history regarding the drafting profession. Only recently have computers taken over from the manual drawing paradigm to produce 2D CAD drawings. The proponents of 3D models, … Continued
DraftSight and the Curious Persistence of 2D CAD – Part 1
Drafting has been around for thousands of years. Almost anything built or manufactured up to the 20th century was designed and drawn by hand first. Throughout those many centuries, drafting tools (though evolving) remained pretty much the same. Things like … Continued
Follow the Leader in DraftSight
Today’s topic is all about Leaders. You’ll use them to draw leader lines that connect annotations to a drawing entity. Did you know that in DraftSight, you have three different ways to create them, with each type offering more drawing … Continued
How to Transform Your 2D CAD Experience with DraftSight
It’s no secret that work has changed tremendously over the past few years. We’re facing overlapping challenges while also adjusting to an everchanging workplace. Working hard is a given, but what if I told you there is an easier way … Continued
A DraftSight Case Study: Bill’s Custom Fab, Inc.
Bill’s Custom Fab, Inc. has provided custom design and fabrication services for creating structural steel components for a range of diverse applications since 1990. Over the years, the family-owned and operated business has worked with a wide variety of clientele, … Continued
7 Business Challenges Solved with 3DEXPERIENCE DraftSight
Across industries, businesses worldwide face rapidly changing conditions and unforeseen challenges. Growth-oriented organizations are accelerating digital transformation, streamlining critical processes, and advancing collaboration. Improving product development processes, and freeing up more design and engineering time for innovation, is critical not … Continued