Author Archives: MJ Smyth
DraftSight 2018 Launches
DraftSight 2018 was released this week and is now available for download from We’re very excited by the new features in this latest release of DraftSight and we think you will be too! So, just what are these new … Continued
House Project – Part 3
We left our house project last week looking a little bare… So, over the last few days, I’ve created some layers and fine tuned the locations of the windows and doors. Most importantly, I mirrored the base-plan. Why? I hear … Continued
House Project – Part 2
At the end of my last blog, we had left the house project looking like this. Just a lot of lines, looking like a badly laid out grid! Thanks to the power of the Trim and Offset commands and some … Continued
House Project
I’m getting some work done in my house over the next few months and thought that having a set of layout plans would make life easy. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a set, but I did have a JPG image that … Continued
Imperial to Decimal
From time to time, I come across drawings in the Imperial System. Generally, these are on older projects or projects where I’ve collaborated with overseas design team members. All my work is done in the Decimal System, so how do … Continued
When Is a Line Not a Line?
When is a line not a Line? When it is a Pline or a Spline! So, we all know what a Line is. It’s the most basic of elements in a DraftSight drawing. As you can see below, each segment … Continued
Some Tips and Tricks
In today’s blog, we are going to cover some tips and tricks that may just make your DraftSight life a little easier. For example, did you know you change the default DWG version to an older version in DraftSight? Why … Continued
Linking DraftSight and Excel
The last few blogs have been tough going, there’s been a lot of reading and a lot of tech talk. This week, well we are going to keep it relatively simple. Today, we are going to link DraftSight and Excel … Continued
Customising Ribbon User Interface using DraftSight API
In our last blog, we talked about the DraftSight API and gave an brief insight into it and what it can do. In today’s blog, we are going to continue talking about the DraftSight API and how you can use … Continued
DraftSight API
We are going to get a little serious in todays blog, no more t-shirt making or vinyl cutting for the moment. Today we are going to deal with the DraftSight API SDK. Some of you may be wondering “What is … Continued