DraftSight Premium
A Step-By-Step Guide to BIM Tools in DraftSight Premium
DraftSight has long been recognized as a powerful solution for design and architecture professionals. With the release of DraftSight 2025, the new Building Information Modeling (BIM) module takes center stage, offering innovative tools to streamline workflows, enhance precision and save … Continued
How to Use CAD as Electrical Design Software
Electrical CAD software is crucial for precision, efficiency, and clarity in electrical projects. CAD tools are invaluable for creating comprehensive libraries of electrical symbols, such as outlets, switches, and circuit breakers, which can be standardized and easily accessed across various … Continued
What is the Best Laptop for CAD?
Picking the perfect laptop for Computer-Aided Design (CAD) depends on your project’s complexities, your budget, and your unique needs. CAD software doesn’t shy away from pushing hardware to its limits, with complex calculations and detailed rendering at the forefront. Operating … Continued
Streamlining Collaboration: DraftSight’s Pack and Go Feature
In today’s world, collaboration is more important than ever. Cloud collaboration platforms, like Dassault Systèmes’ 3DEXPERIENCE, make your projects and files available to all stakeholders in real time. But for whatever reason, working on the cloud may not be an … Continued
An Introduction to 3D Design in DraftSight – Part 2
In part 1 of this series, we introduced you to the 3D environment in DraftSight Premium and Enterprise Plus, along with creating various 3D objects. In today’s post, we’ll be introducing you to the various editing, navigational, and visualization tools … Continued
Seven Reasons DraftSight Premium is a Smart Choice for Your CAD Software
If you are seeking feature-rich CAD software that can streamline your 2D drafting and 3D design workflows, then DraftSight Premium should definitely be on your radar. With its powerful tools and intuitive interface, it can help you achieve greater efficiency and productivity, … Continued
A Leadership Perspective: How DraftSight 2D CAD Offers a Superior Design Solution
Today’s competitive business markets find executives tasked with achieving more, in less time, with fewer resources, while also minimizing the impact of increased costs. Across all industries and sectors, leaders are looking for new ways to be innovative without incurring … Continued
The Advantages of DraftSight Enterprise Plus
We love all the positive feedback we get from our DraftSight customers. Mostly, that feedback takes the form of praising the tools that make their workflows more productive (such as PDF Import, Image Tracer, or Auto Dimension). Or maybe they’re … Continued
Why You Should Choose DraftSight Premium
Maybe you’ve already made the wise CAD software switch and have begun using DraftSight Professional. Or maybe you’re still paying the competition more than you feel you should be. No matter what your situation is, you might benefit by stepping … Continued
Need to Know DraftSight Essentials?
Some of us fall under the category of CAD “power users”, using DraftSight all day, every day. And some of us are more occasional or novice users, and we’re hoping to support those of you in the latter category on … Continued