Aliases in DraftSight
Visit to explore DraftSight 2019 and learn how you can experience the freedom to do more with a better 2D drafting and 3D design experience. Today’s blog will be covering how to customize your Aliases in DraftSight. In doing … Continued
Spell Checking in DraftSight 2020
It’s been a crazy time recently, which is why my last four blogs have been about how you can use DraftSight® at home to continue your business and support the people working on the front line in these tough circumstances. … Continued
DraftSight: Bind and Insert your References
Visit to explore DraftSight 2019 and learn how you can experience the freedom to do more with a better 2D drafting and 3D design experience. Continuing the blogs on Reference options in DraftSight, today we’ll be discussing how to … Continued
DraftSight: Edit your References
Visit to explore DraftSight 2019 and learn how you can experience the freedom to do more with a better 2D drafting and 3D design experience. Now that we’ve covered how to insert and clip Xrefs, today’s post will be … Continued
Creating a Visor Headband in DraftSight – Download the Design Files Ready for 3D Printing
Create this visor now by downloading the design files here, opening in DraftSight Premium and sending to a 3D printer. In last weeks blog, we spoke about the lack of Medical PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) worldwide and how DraftSight® users may … Continued
DraftSight: Clip References (Xrefs)
Visit to explore DraftSight 2019 and learn how you can experience the freedom to do more with a better 2D drafting and 3D design experience. Following last blog, covering how to insert References, today’s post will be discussing how … Continued
DraftSight: Inserting References (Xrefs)
Visit to explore DraftSight 2019 and learn how you can experience the freedom to do more with a better 2D drafting and 3D design experience. As a new CAD user, I’m always looking for ways to make my drawing … Continued
3D Print Visors
There is a shortage of Medical PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) worldwide at the moment, leaving front line staff at risk of contracting COVID-19. You might be wondering just what can you do about it? Well, a group of people in the … Continued
DraftSight: Write Loads with Text Codes
Visit to explore DraftSight 2019 and learn how you can experience the freedom to do more with a better 2D drafting and 3D design experience. Continuing the theme of using shortcuts in DraftSight, today’s blog will be exposing hidden … Continued
LISP in DraftSight Professional
Visit to learn how you can experience the freedom to do more with a better 2D drafting and 3D design experience. From the start of my DraftSight journey, I’ve always been on the lookout for useful shortcuts and ways … Continued